A FREE 5-Day Virtual Bootcamp

July 18 - 22, 2022 6:30 - 7:30 PM MT


This is not your typical bootcamp where you might merely experience a post seminar high.

This bootcamp will present a unique approach to overcoming Burnout and provide you with tools to overcome the continuous negative flow of stress.

Yes! I want to move beyond burnout!

Sick of being stuck in burnout and hoping it will just go away?

…And ready to SHIFT GEARS, to move forward to gain motivation, sustainable energy and balance?


Isn’t it time to stop struggling to ACHIEVE your desires? Time to make a commitment to your health and put yourself first to get what you WANT?

Time to move BEYOND BURNOUT?

Truly happy, successful women are those who know how to make their HEALTH a priority so they can live a balanced purpose filled life. They know that when they put themselves first and slow down, they are on the path to balance.

And yet so often, we struggle with taking care of ourselves. We give up on what we want, thinking it’s to hard or I’m not doing enough or I don’t deserve it.



You are a successful professional, and are doing the best you can with the tools and resources you have!



  • You have built a successful career by consistently working hard over the years and striving to keep up with trends.
  • You have figured out how to operate within your strengths and openly share them with your clients, colleagues, and family.
  • You have invested in yourself and are committed to be the best possible version of YOU.
  • You are beginning to recognize that perfectionism is overrated and impossible, and acknowledge your human imperfections while being of service to others.

The main challenge you currently are experiencing is balancing work and life in a manner that is sustainable. At the moment you might feel increasingly tired and disconnected and are confused about how you can radically shift your life without creating more tension.

Perhaps you have tried …

  • Using more than one calendar
  • Delegating more tasks
  • Excessive exercise
  • Drinking more coffee
  • Increasing your anti-depressants
  • Wine or whine therapy :)
  • Getting up earlier or staying up later

The temporary relief was welcomed, but you eventually return to your old patterns and are stuck with lingering emotional blocks and limiting beliefs that sabotage your change efforts.



Despite what you might believe, it’s not your job or your boss.  The underlying root is not your family or partner.  Science has proven that one of the core roots of professional burnout is the extreme physical and emotional exhaustion leading to the lack of purpose and accomplishments.  Once flourishing health, happiness, and spiritual alignment is attained then your life can then begin to fill with infinite possibilities.

Do you know what you need to change?

Do you believe that you can overcome BURNOUT? Do you have faith that NOTHING is going to stop you from flourishing towards health, happiness, and purpose?

Ask yourself…
* Am I currently happy with my life?
* Am I pursuing my purpose?
* Do I give up on what I want??
* Would my life be better if I knew the secrets to overcoming burnout?

Living in Burnout is like living in a cage. You desperately want to break out of it.

To break through what holds you back. To put your limiting beliefs aside and strive for your dreams.

But you don’t know how.

You feel Stuck. Tired. Irritable. Overwhelmed with no clear plan or guidance to follow.

But what if there is a solution?

A way to feel refreshed, energized and like you CAN DO ANYTHING?

Now There is…

From Burnout to Balance Bootcamp
Flourish towards health, happiness, and purpose.


Gaining clarity about where you stand in the spectrum of Burnout so you know how far out of control it is.

Moving beyond burnout into a life that is filled with vitality and purpose.

Tapping into the most sustainable energy available to us and feeling nurtured and supported on a daily basis.

✓ Overcoming perfectionism and finally saying goodbye to your inner critic.

Combating stress by understanding your hormonal biomarkers and how to outsmart the negative feedback cycle of burnout.

This is all possible for you!

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Dr. Mary and 15 years ago I crashed hard! At the time, I didn’t have the necessary tools or resources to navigate the difficult period in my life, so I panicked and blew up my world. I left my life as I knew it, sold everything I owned, and ran away with my husband to the other side of the world.

I am not suggesting that you follow in my footsteps. Quite the contrary. I propose that you learn from my mistakes and embrace the tools that I have since embodied along the way, the tools that I will be sharing in this bootcamp. I created this bootcamp to assist women like you. It is truly my life’s purpose to support you in transforming your health, happiness, and purpose so that you can live and thrive in the life you were intended to live!

Sign Up Now

During this powerful Bootcamp, you will:

Day 1:  Determine where you are on the spectrum of burnout so that you can make positive changes to live a more balanced life.

Day 2:  Learn the benefits of shifting your awareness back to self with the intention of grounding into the earth’s frequency.

Day 3:  Embrace the research of positive psychology and learn evidence based tools to burnout.

Day 4: Engineer your body so you can break the negative feedback cycle of stress and burnout.

 Day 5:  Spend quality time in an interactive environment with Dr. Mary and get all of your personal questions answered.

Here's what you'll receive throughout this experience...

Live Bootcamp Sessions on Zoom
Join us live from 6:30 - 7:30 pm (MT) to learn integrative strategies to overcome burnout utilizing Energy Medicine, Positive Psychology and Functional Nutrition so that you can achieve holistic balance.

Morning Meditations
Starting on Day 2 Dr. Mary will guide you through a 15-minute meditation at 5:45 am (MT) to provide you with clarity for your day with an emphasis on integrating the practical tools delivered in the Bootcamp.

VIP Sessions
Join the intimate VIP group! immediately following the Bootcamp sessions on Day 1-4 at 7:45 - 8:15 pm (MT). Bring your questions and receive focused attention that will facilitate deeper integration of the core principles.

Private Facebook Group
This is where you will receive your action steps, daily reminders, access to the replays, and connect with other like minded people to ensure lasting behavioral change. Your email invitation to join the pre-bootcamp festivities will arrive soon.

Daily Action Steps
Small but consistent daily action steps will make a huge impact in your life. In the private Facebook group, Dr. Mary will provide simple “kaizen” steps after each session that are guaranteed to transform your life.

Access to the Replays 
Listen to the Replays of the Live Bootcamp and Morning Meditation sessions as many times as you want or need until Sunday, July 24th at 8 pm (MT). Each session will be recorded for your continuous learning.

Click Here to Register

This is for you if:

You know you are dealing with burnout and now you want a numerical value as to how severe your burnout phase is.

You are done with stress and anxiety and would like to cultivate some healthy coping skills, as opposed to wine, shopping, and/or food.

You want to learn easy and effective ways to support your physical body during burnout and avoid harsh hormonal imbalances.

You want to overcome perfectionism and find a harmonious balance with yourself and others.


Let the healing begin!

I'm in! I want to go from burnout to balance


Boost your Burnout to Balance experience with VIP perks!

For extra support from Dr. Mary throughout the bootcamp, this upgrade is perfect for you.

For only $37 you'll get:

  • 4 Additional small group sessions with Dr. Mary on Zoom
    • Immediately after the Bootcamp on Days 1-4 at 7:45 - 8:15 pm MST
    • Receive focused attention that will facilitate deeper integration of the core principles.
  • Lifetime access to all the recordings of the Bootcamp main sessions, morning meditations and VIP sessions in a downloadable format
  • $10 of every upgrade goes to organizations and advocacy groups that are helping women get access to reproductive health care.

Empower yourself to reclaim your health and happiness while aligning with your life's purpose!


I want to be a VIP

I was introduced to Mary through a trusted friend. Sessions with Mary have helped me to go deeper and further in my quest to know myself.  I have shifted and healed from unconscious and conscious wounds and from the work we have done together I feel a deep connection and peace with my higher self.  Because of our work together, I feel empowered and able to face anything life has to offer me. I highly recommend sessions with Mary.

-Robin R.

I had my first intuitive session with Dr. Mary Sanders. Immediately, I sensed something very special about her, something rarely found in most clinicians. It was Mary’s complete presence and genuine concern in understanding what mattered most to me in that moment and in creating a safe space for investigation. As I now reflect on it, I actually felt her loving presence and care for days following the appointment!

-Shelley K. DDS

On a Personal Note…

I am the youngest of 3 girls in my family, and all of us are overachievers. I graduated from chiropractic school with a doctorate a week before my 25th birthday.

I was born hearing impaired and was undiagnosed until the age of 3. I have a 50% hearing loss and this contributed to my need to strive toward perfectionism to overcompensate for my disability.

I took my first yoga class at 20 years old from my university physics professor. I completed my Yoga Teachers Training in Bali and I currently show up on my mat at least 5 times a week. I love hot yoga!

I am a big meditator and get cranky if I don’t practice daily. This is what motivated me to study positive psychology.

I see, know, and feel subtle energy and have been called psychic.